Thursday, February 27, 2020

ARID REGIONS IN JORDAN Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

ARID REGIONS IN JORDAN - Essay Example (Tarawneh et al 2008) Background In uses of water in Jordan, agriculture consumes 68%, industry gets only 4% and balance is meant for individual consumption. Source: Ministry of Water and Irrigation, HKJ. Reference: Along with scant water resource, Jordan is suffering from non availability of natural energy sources such as oil, natural gas, and coal. Thus, Jordan’s water problem becomes more critical. Some of the demographics of the Jordan are worth enumerating: Area: Total: 92,300 sq km Water: 329 sq km Land: 91,971 sq km Population Distribution: 38% in Amman; 34% in Irbid and Zarqa; and 28% in the remainder of Jordan. ( About Jordan 2011) Looking at the present water scarcity and the population growth of the Jordan, multi pronged strategy is required to increase the supply of water for domestic consumption and surplus to be diverted to agriculture and industries. Options Various options are to be exploited based on the cost, availa bility of technology and time required to implement the plan. However, some of the options are essential to exploit to make the water availability to a decent level. Short term measures are required to be put in to action as they are must before thinking about any other long term solutions. Short-term Measures Replacing All Piping and Revamping Distribution Systems Stopping leakages and the spillages is essential and important need of an hour to make the optimum use of water. The distribution of water in Jordan is done through GI piping. The life of such piping is not found to be more than 15-20 years. It gets corroded during the period. It has been observed that total supplied water never reaches to the end users in full. A huge part of the supplied water is finished in leakages due to corroded piping. The replacement of the piping should be carried out at the earliest as water is precious and cannot be allowed to waste in this way. Currently, High density polyethylene piping is a most convenient mode of carrying the water for domestic supply. These piping lasts more than 100 years and quite sturdy and noncorrosive in nature. Underground Recharging with Rain Water Underground recharging with rain water throughout the region is the foremost necessity in a bid to tackle the water crisis. This option should be taken on priority basis and the community should be taken into confidence while implementing such plans as their involvement is necessary. Rain water as surface water in lakes or canals will have much higher evaporation losses and needs to be preserved through underground recharging. The neighbouring country Israel has successfully made the best use of artificial recharge technique and in a single year, way back during 1967-68, had recharged over 100,000,000 cubic meter of rain water. (Harpaz, Yoav 1971) Recycling and Treating the Domestic Streams for Agricultural Use In order to conserve the water, the next step in line is to collect all used water from t he town of Amman and taken to a nearby treatment facility where all suspended impurities will be removed and then to be treated for domestic pollutants. The treated water then is suitable for agricultural use and should be released to farms through pipe lines. This will conserve the fresh water for domestic purposes. In view of the shortages of fresh potable water for domest

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Military Governments and Human Rights in the 20th Century Latin Essay

Military Governments and Human Rights in the 20th Century Latin America - Essay Example s in a story however though the lighter part of it have always been over-shadowed by the number of deaths and traumatic experiences these struggle for power and supremacy have brought at all corners of the world people are living in. It is painful enough to know that there are innocent people being killed however it is more painful to know that there are families being torn apart and family members killing each other in the process. In Paul Dix and Pamela Fitzpatrick’s book, the characters were real people. They were real victims this is unlike other literary pieces where the characters are just based on what happened to real people. Here, one can actually feel the pain and anguish the victims and their families felt during the war in Nicaragua. Families lost a member or two while other victims lost their limbs. Though the pictures were in black and white, the message they conveyed were in high definition and in full color. This is the difference of this book compared to other war inspired books. No words were needed to express the pain and suffering of those people who got caught in the middle of conflicting parties. Children should have been playing with toys, having fun laughing and smiling unlike those in the pictures where they are crying and running away for safety (NicaraguaPhotoTestimony.Org). During the year 1985, an Argentine film was produced to mirror how the war is breaking up friendships and families. There can also be a hint of losing one’s self-identity during the process. This film was Luis Puenzo’s The Official Story. This was the story about families, families torn apart by the war and a family that became complete because of the loss of others. The main female protagonist in this film was Alicia, who did not have a biological child with her husband Roberto and eventually adopted Gaby. It was Alicia’s curiosity that brought up the issue of Gaby’s biological parents. For someone who took care of a child and gave her a name and a home,