Saturday, May 16, 2020

Female Juvenile Offenders And The Need For Programs

Female Juvenile Offenders and the Need for Programs Sarah Pepe Alvernia University Abstract A major issue in today’s society is female juvenile offenders and the lack of programs available to them. This sparks the great need for programs for them. Females differ greatly from males and require different programs due to the emotional and mental changes between the two. Different approaches and ways to cope as well as heal are required more for girls rather than highly structured and strict approaches. These tough approaches can do more harm than good for the girls and lead to further issues. Therefore, there is a great need for programs to try to help these girls and help them develop a better life so they can progress past crime and incarceration. Although there are similar risk factors that apply in male and female delinquency, there are underlying biological functions, psychological traits and social interpretations that result in varying forms of delinquency and therefore, programming for female juvenile males and females must differ. The females need these progr ams for emotional, physical and mental support. Through research, there were very few programs that were provided specifically for female juvenile offenders. Through searching through Volunteers of American, no programs for female juvenile offenders existed and the closest program was a counseling system that involved all members of the family rather than focusing on an individual. Even the Office ofShow MoreRelatedThe Juvenile Justice System And Juvenile Offenders941 Words   |  4 Pageswhich the juvenile justice system responds to female offenders. Historically juvenile female offenders have been treated under status offense jurisdiction (Zahn et al., 2010, p. 10). United States Courts would exercise the principle of â€Å"parens patriae† to place the female in detention as a form of punishment for misbehavior (Sherman, 2012, pp. 1589-1590). This principle also remains prevalent as it pertains to how the juvenile justice system currently responds to juvenile female offend ers. StudiesRead MoreGender Roles : The Juvenile Justice System1244 Words   |  5 PagesGender Roles in the Juvenile Justice System What role does gender play at the various stages of the juvenile justice system? Gender plays an enormous role in the juvenile justice system; both boys and girls have their fair share of run-ins with the Juvenile Justice System, but now more so than ever, females crime rates have increased. In some instances within the juvenile justice system, it may appear that boys and girls are comparable; however there are differences, even though they are subtle.Read MoreEssay female juvenile crime736 Words   |  3 Pagesinterest in the impact of female crime in modern society. In addition, juvenile crime rates are on the rise, which combine for a void of research or information on female juvenile offenders. In general, crime rates for women offenders have risen since the 1990s. Increasing numbers of young women are also offending at higher rates. In a 1996 U.S. Department of Justice Report, the number of arrests of young women had doubled between 1989 and 1993. Twenty percent of all juvenil e arrests were committedRead MoreThe Juvenile Justice System788 Words   |  3 Pages The juvenile justice system was founded with the goal to serve the best interests of the child, with an understanding that youth possessed different needs than adults. Over the course of our semester we have come across various research studies that proves that the adult system is not well equipped to house and rehabilitate the delinquents. These studies have shown that more juveniles that are transferred to the criminal justice system ends up back in the system, which means the recidivism rateRead MoreEssay on Rise of Females in the Juvenile Justice System761 Words   |  4 PagesFemales are increasingly becoming more active in the juvenile justice system and this is said to be happening at alarming rates. It is important to learn more about why and how girls commit crimes so that we may also attempt intervention in an effective manner to prevent potential offenders and rehabilitate the girls who have already committed offenses. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prev ention has produced a report that includes a review of how these girls are getting into theseRead MoreGirls and Crime Essay965 Words   |  4 PagesGirls and Crime Stress, teenage mother hood, drug habits all those components needs survival skills. How do you keep those survival skills? Gangs, prostitution, abuse? To us juvenile delinquency is something that we look at it with disdain instead of taking the time to look into sociological issues, emotional issues and the reality that would give us a clearer view and still not make us feel or understand the conditions they live in, the pressures they go through or face everyday. For us toRead MoreCommunity Based Treatments704 Words   |  3 PagesCOMMUNITY-BASED TREATMENTS Sometimes when a juvenile is charged with a crime there are options available to them that does not include jail time. One option is community-based treatments, community-based treatments refers to efforts to provide care, protection, and treatment for juveniles that are in need. The two community-based treatments that I will focus on are probation and electronic monitoring. Probation is non-punitive legal dispositions for delinquent youths, emphasizing treatment withoutRead MoreThe High Incarceration Rate Of Juveniles1748 Words   |  7 PagesThe high incarceration rate of juveniles is a significant social problem that affects society as a whole as well as the youth’s individual welfare and developmental trajectory. Adolescents who are incarcerated in the juvenile justice system face a multitude of negative lifelong implications. The history of incarcerating youth in residential facilities such as juvenile halls, camps, ranches or group homes as a consequence for committing crimes has a deep-rooted history in the United States. â€Å"For moreRead MoreFactors That Lead To Recidivism1353 Words   |  6 PagesResearch Question/Objective: What are some factors that lead to recidivism of female juvenile offenders? The objective to this question is to find out whether sexual abuse and environmental factors lead to recidivism amongst girl juvenile offenders. These are two factors that have not been researched enough amongst juvenile offenders and can be addressed to help guide these girls to a better path in their lives. Recidivism: Recidivism is when a convicted criminal has the tendency to reoffend. ItRead MoreJuvenile Corrections Essay1667 Words   |  7 Pages| Juvenile Corrections | The History, Recidivism Rates, and What Works | | Gina Pardue | Corrections - SPEA J331Dr. Robert Ramsey | 12/12/2012 | | Definition of Juvenile Corrections Juvenile corrections encompasses the portions of the criminal justice system that deal with juvenile offenders. Many of these facilities and programs seem to mirror jails and prisons, but juvenile corrections are not meant for long term sentences. Sometimes sentences for juveniles are only several

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