Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Managment of Information Technology Services

Question: Write areport about the HBZS and OKD business alignment. Answer: Introduction OKD HBZS A.s is a leading hard coal production company in Czech Republic. The OKD is a parent company to HBZS and HBZS IT business partner of OKD which deals with all the rescue works. The service is open 24 X 7 to help the workers who are working underground in a dangerous workspace. They are available every time for the rescues of OKD. OKD and HBZS are Joint Venture Company and the job of HBZS is to provide the rescue support to the workers and the materials. They have total of 26 permanent workers and they have an immediate reaction team who can reach the headquarters within one hour of time. Moreover the technical team of HBZS is used for various commercial purposes such as working at heights or at underwater and protections of underground buildings and prevention from fire. However the company does provide the training to their new team of rescuers for mine and external based (www.okd.cz 2016). HBZS chose the framework of ITIL in order to help managing the increasing demands of the IT department. It helps to structure the activities of the company in proper manners that help to work in less reactive manner. The adoption of the ITIL enables the company to survive in the coal crisis of 2013-2014 when there was a sharp fall of coal causes difficulties for their parent organization. The report presented here describe about the ITIL and ITSM adoption of the company. The company does face some serious challenges after the implementation of ITIL and here in this report a detail analysis has been done on how they can overcome to challenges in future and can adopt some new process and refining the other six processes they have already adopted. The author has been hired as and IT consultant by the IT manager Mr. Gurny and he wants that the author do provide some serious tips that will help the company to move forward with their ITIL processes implementation to improve their service and product quality to serve their parent company in a better way and to sustain their partnership in a log run. Here the author has discussed some of the process that were adopted by the HBZS Company and some of the processes are been recommended by the IT consultant (author). The best practices for ITIL and ITSM are also been recommended by the IT consultant. Because of reception of the b est ITIL forms, the association can meet with the client's necessities and in addition guarantee that the cloud administration supplier meets with prerequisites before conveying of the administration. Apart from this, better training system, ongoing monitoring of customer service, need of service improvement plan and proper security of data are also recommended to the IT Manager. The IT Manager should need to implement a service improvement plan so that they can smoothly run their mining rescue services. Firstly, it reflects on the ongoing ITSM within HBZS. Secondly, the IT manager, Mr. Gurny aware that the service transition phases causes operational issues in another firm. It reflects on the processes of service transition in HBZS and inter-relates the ITIL as well as HBSZ processes. Thirdly, it discusses the benefits as well as limitations of outsourcing the service desk at the time of maintaining other functions of the internal IT department. It helps the company to identify the future challenges within their business operations. The company faces a challenge that HBZS outsources their It department. Fourthly, it discusses about the continual service improvement process with an extension in the future. Finally, the recommendations are given to the IT manager to overcome with the identified issues in this particular report. Ongoing ITSM at HBZS IT Service Management (ITSM) is a procedure driven methodology that empowers associations to plan, construct, coordinate, oversee, and advance quality IT administrations to accomplish business goals. Further, holding fast to directions and measures, for example, ITIL, CoBIT, SOX, ISO/IEC 20000 and so on., require industriousness, and better base administration by associations (Action 2013). While associations concentrate on the general population, procedure, and innovation measurements of Service conveyance, they require an authority accomplice who can help them in enhancing Service Quality and Reduce Cycle time. Banding together with a pro supplier of IT Service Management can help business enhance efficiency and positively affect administration quality. Meeting client desires in Service Delivery, and overseeing perpetually changing task extension is a test for generally associations. SLA ruptures in the administration conveyance and low FTR (First Time Resolution) rate contrarily affects the client steadfastness. There is a solid need to enhance deftness and cross over any barrier amongst Business and IT, while upgrading IT costs. HBZS can outline a one of a kind way to deal with location the torment regions in IT Service conveyance. HBZS gets to customer's IT surroundings from People, Process, and Technology angle. HBZS has a broad involvement in outlining dynamic frameworks, and driving end-to-end ITSM procedures and ITSM device change programs. HBZS can utilize an outsider organization for introduction in conveying IT Service Management arrangements range crosswise over commercial enterprises, for example, BNFS, Manufacturing, Logistics and Retail. The organization giving best-in-class way to deal with drive changes, empowering clients to remain operationally viable and deliberately engaged ought to be picked by HBZS (Goetsch and Davis 2014). The procedure change quickening agents, empowering agents, and techniques could help the organization to convey amazing administrations to boost IT commitment to business. IT Service Management capacities improve the expense of assets, and continuous operations with us age of demonstrated best practices (Hassan et al. 2015). Some devices can be utilized for better administration promotion administration like - iOptima for Process Assessment of Client's 'as is' procedure development on CMMI scale and distinguish the guide for ITSM change which will guarantee administration conveyance fabulousness. The answer for ITSM Transformation comprise of demonstrated strategy, best in class stage for evaluation and space based experience to apply the privilege ITSM practices to client's administration zones. Successful administration of IT administration support basic business works that should be reasonable, usable, dependable, secure and versatile. On the off chance that IT administrations fall flat or respond rapidly enough to changes in the business, the effect can be critical (Katz 2012). Very much oversaw IT administrations result in change to business execution and production of quality. Powerful administration of IT administration requires administration to concentrate on key errands to bolster a level of association of business clients to characterize necessities and settling on key administration related choices. CobiT and ITIL give complete direction covering an expansive extent of good practices for administration (Davenport 2016). Clients of these practices may think that its hard to explore and recognize direction that is applicable to administration. It is hard to apply CobiT and ITIL together, senior business and IT administration have a gratefulness and comprehension of administration. Senior administration sponsorship empowers higher IT administration and administration development levels to expand quality to the venture and decreases the danger. It likewise obliges customizing to meet the particular prerequisite, in view of good practices and the handy experience of industry acknowledged best practices. Ventures are reliant on IT to fulfill the corporate points, meet their business needs and convey quality to the clients. A managable, responsible and repeatable path is for business to guarantee that IT administrations depend on business needs and client prerequisites. CobiT is an IT administration and control structure that spotlights on way to guarantee great administration of all IT related procedures, including administration forms. It incorporates a structure and an instrument for accomplishing craved leves of cnformance and performaace of IT procedures required to fulfill business needs.Leaveraging CobiT direction, an undertaking can guarantee that its administration exertion is alligned with its general business, gobernance and interior control of necessities (Berrahal and Marghoubi 2016). ITIL gives best works on portraying the arrangement, plan and actualize successful administration abilities. CobiT and ITIL can be utilized together for the advancement of the organization. It gives through and through way to deal with IT administration and administration. CobiT guides administration needs and destinations with an all encompassing, complete way to deal with all IT exercises and spotlights on the partner on coordinated and basic methodology (Baphna et al. 2016). ITIL bolsters CobiT best practices for administration and when they are utilized together their energy is consolidated for better administration backing and heading. It is more financially savvy technique for the utilization of the usage asset. Together CobiT and ITIL gives a compelling approach to comprehend the business priorities, requirements and utilize this to concentrate on IT administration. They additionally give a successful approach to comprehend business needs and necessities, it concentrates on IT benefits so administration can be better comprehend the centrality of IT administrations and how they bolster the business (Vasantha et al. 2016). It likewise helps the operational IT directors to better comprehend the effect administrations have on business forms. The business case for the administration changes, acquiring the backing of the partner and the acknowledgment and observing of the normal advantages is improved. We have to comprehend the present circumstance of the organization and concur upon the requirements for the fundamental changes and to distinguish any obstructions and issues that may should be overcome. Concentrate on business needs and set extension, the ebb and flow critical business and administration drivers and consider the effect they may have on the procedure change (Galliers and Leidner 2014). Create an execution activity arrangement, guaranteeing activity things adjust IT anticipates to business necessities and are in need request considering cost, hazard and effect. Syntel gives ITSM suite of offerings that helps customer methodically outline, record execute and deal with the procedures, evaluate current procedure and innovation holes, characterize ideal guide as indicated by industry best practices and systems, give essential preparing and encourage process/innovation arrangement through effective change administration strategies (Manhart and Thalmann 2013). Syntel takes after Industry standard structure and best practices to guarantee taking after advantages: Significant diminishment in ticket excess Improved item and procedure security Standardized procedures crosswise over association and accomplices Improved accessibility of business basic administrations Informed and opportune basic leadership Early identification and control of dangers Enhanced efficiency through arrangement conveyance process change Reduced expenses through enhanced procedure productivity and item conveyance Better administration control over arrangement conveyance forms Enhanced procedure centricity and business-IT arrangement Implementation of ITIL forms at HBZS In light of advancing the business and also innovation environment, it helps the colleagues to decide on starting conveyance of six key ITIL procedures to abnormal state. The current six ITIL procedures are occasion and episode administration, administration resource, information administration, demand satisfaction, setup administration and in addition change administration. It helps the organization to characterize the future arrangement to execute the extra ITIL forms (AXELOS 2015). The appropriations of other proposed ITIL procedures are IT administration, Service portfolio administration, budgetary administration of the It administrations, request administration and in addition business relationship administration. The capacity of the Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) is to direct an IT situation on HBZS. It incorporates the union of the server farms and in addition take off of new desktop environment (Melendez, Davila and Pessoa 2015). The ITIL procedures ought to be composed and additionally worked in one locale prompts globalization of the procedure. The joint supplier workshops verify that full duty from the gatherings of ITIL based procedures way to deal with operations of IT (Shrestha et al. 2016). Indeed, even instruction and additionally preparing is likewise required for the laborers to roll out conceivable IT improvements. Service Transition The ITIL administration move of HBZS guarantees that new changes in the IT administrations ought to meet with necessities of the client and in addition business desires of salvage administrations (Bhm et al. 2016). The principle point of the administration move forms set up at HBZS are to arrange and in addition deal with the progressions with time controlling dangers and convey of learning for basic leadership support. This procedure means to actualize, test and in addition pass on the potential keeping in mind the end goal to offer administrations by the administration outline that finish with the prerequisites of the partners and additionally convey planned answer for the salvage administrations (AXELOS 2016). This administration operation process identifies the occasion and gives a section point to execute the administration operations forms and also exercises (Rice 2013). It is the part of the administration requires controlling and robotizing. It screens and in addition classif ies the occasions to take conceivable activities. It has the objective to give back the IT administrations to the clients as quickly as time permits (Kowalkowski et al. 2015). Change Management To make a change in the organization without interrupting the IT administrators is termed as the change management. Change administration is a term that all the time falls into debates. Now and then it's a casualty, if the outcome is not exactly focused on the activity of the ground staff and concentrates enough for the change in administration (Flexer et al. 2012). Not to overlook on occasion it assembles eyeballs for undertaking exercises that may somehow or another get neglected: "Everything was conceivable in light of the fact that we actualized the new procedure; how about we not disregard the change administration." (Hayes 2014) Change administration is a procedure which guarantees that the progressions which are occurring in the association are checked stage by stage in order to avoid administrative mistakes. It is an extremely composed way to deal with guarantee that progressions are actualized successfully and proficiently (Brockwell and Davis 2012). There is an extension of change from a straightforward procedure change to technique change or a change in the approach. Thus change administration is a vital in term of process in Service Transition. Change Evaluation To survey significant Changes, similar to the presentation of another administration or a generous change to a current administration, before those Changes are permitted to continue to the following stage in their lifecycle (Lahou et al. 2015). ITIL change assessment examines Changes before they move to the following stage in their lifecycle. The lifecycle of a change incorporates a few focuses at which a go/no-go choice should be made: Approval to construct and test Approval to register programming with the conclusive media library (DML) Approval to send We ought to assess all progressions. Be that as it may, for huge changes a formal assessment procedure ought to be summoned (Park et al. 2015). Every association must characterize for itself what "noteworthy change" is. The assessment ought to include Assessing the planned impacts of the change beyond what many would consider possible, reckoning any unintended impacts of the change, distinguishing dangers that displaying a proposal to change administration on whether to continue to the following stage and the change administration procedure can make the go/no-go choice on continuing to the following stage (Willcocks 2013). Venture Management (Planning and Support) To arrange and facilitate the assets to convey a noteworthy release inside the anticipated time, quality appraisals and cost. Whenever, there will be a few undertakings going through the administration move period of the lifecycle (Conger and Probst 2014). It is the obligation of move arranging and backing to organize administration move exercises for all these ventures. In particular, the obligations of move arranging and backing include: Work with limit administration to guarantee that sufficient assets are accessible Where there is conflict for assets, build up a calendar that meets the necessities of the partners Guarantee that all gatherings utilize a standard, reusable procedure structure. Screen and enhance the execution of the Service Transition lifecycle stage. Application Development To make accessible applications and frameworks which give the obliged usefulness to IT administrations (Fang 2015). This procedure incorporates the improvement and upkeep of custom applications and also the customization of items from programming sellers. Discharge and Deployment Management The general procedure of discharge and organization is interlinked with, Service Validation and Testing, Change Management and Service Evaluation. The last discharge needs a green sign from the Change Advisory Board (CAB) to go into creation; this endorsement supports that amid all phases of discharge and organization item was checked, so it's good to go for large scale manufacturing (Alidoosti et al. 2016). Discharge and Deployment Management additionally ensures that clients have the right stuff and information to utilize the support of its maximum capacity and that the bolster staff and operations are very much educated about the administration levels and the guarantees of the item (Diao 2013). The Release and Deployment Management office is likewise considered as the soul of the Service Transition process. Discharge and Deployment Management is an arrangement of different methodologies, key focuses, and systems including: building and testing the discharge, arranging a discharge, arranging the organization, arranging pilots, conveying the discharge, testing the sending, speaking with change administration and advise the change administration that discharge has been sent Administration Validation and Testing To guarantee that conveyed Releases and the subsequent administrations meet client desires, and to confirm that IT operations can bolster the new administration. Testing can happen anytime in the administration lifecycle at the same time, it for the most part happens amid Service Transition (Crasso et al. 2014). The administration approval and testing process arranges, directs and gives an account of tests of new or changed administrations. The aftereffects of testing go to the change assessment procedure to bolster a choice on whether to continue. The administration plan bundle (SDP) plots the tests to perform. Working with change assessment, administration approval and testing will: Work with move arranging and backing to arrange the assets required for testing Plan and outline tests Plan tests Set up the test environment Play out the tests Assess exit criteria and report Tidy up and close tests Administration approval and test will perform distinctive sorts of tests, as called for in the administration outline bundle. Sorts of tests include (Roztocki and Weistroffer 2015): Utility testing: Does the administration convey the required usefulness? Guarantee testing: Will the administration convey required levels of accessibility, limit, security, and congruity? Ease of use testing: Will the administration be usable by every potential client, incorporating those with limited capacities? Contract and direction testing: Will the administration fit in with appropriate administrative and contract necessities? Operational preparation testing: Are the bolster capacities, including the administration work area, staffed and prepared to bolster the new or changed administration? Administration Asset and Configuration Management To keep up data about Configuration Items required to convey an IT administration, including their connections. Effective administration conveyance requires an expansive number of advantages of various sorts, for example, PCs, system hardware and so on (By et al. 2012). What's more, different antiques made amid administration, for example, approaches, administration level understandings, and the administration index, are required for effective organization and conveyance of administrations. ITIL alludes to such resources as arrangement things (CI's). Administration resource and arrangement administration makes one or more setup administration databases (CMDBs) to keep up precise data about CIs, including: Current state Possession Associations with different CIs Review track To keep up the cash and exactness of a CMDB, administration resource and setup administration depends on change administration to guarantee that lone approved changes happen and that the consequences of progress are precisely recorded (Waple et al. 2016). Administration resource and design administration keeps up the arrangement administration framework (CMS). The CMS contains the accompanying: Information layer: CMDBs and related databases, for example, the issue database, change database, demand database and so on. Incorporation layer: Instruments to incorporate the things in the information layer with the goal that they can be dealt with as one legitimate database. Information handling layer: Apparatuses to examine, model, and give an account of the substance of the incorporated database. Presentation layer: Devices to give altered perspectives of the database for the distinctive client groups. All parts of administration have a need to see the substance of the database, yet each has its own particular needs. Information Management To accumulate, break down, store and share learning and data inside an association. The main role of Knowledge Management is to enhance proficiency by decreasing the need to rediscover information. Information administration is in charge of keeping up the administration learning administration framework (SKMS), which speaks to the aggregate group of information inside the administration association. So as to convey benefit effectively, it is vital that learning be caught, sorted out, and made accessible to all with a need to know. The SKMS contains the greater part of the other information stores utilized by administration, including: Administration portfolio CMS Supplier and contract administration data framework (SCMIS) Accessibility, limit, and security administration data frameworks (CMIS, AMIS, and ISMIS) CSI register Learning can be arranged by information data information shrewdness (DIKW) structure as takes after: Information (frequently called "crude information") speaks to discrete realities or numbers. Without anyone else, information things have small importance. The obligation of learning administration as for information is to catch information, distinguish pertinent information, keep up its trustworthiness, and file or cleanse information when it is no more required (Sarkar et al. 2015). Data is produced when information is seen in setting. This regularly includes the utilization of measurements, for example, midpoints or crest and least values. The obligation of learning administration concerning data is to oversee content in a way that permits clients to question and examine it. Learning consolidates data with experience. Information can be utilized as a premise for basic leadership or making a move. The obligation of information administration as for learning is to bolster the apparatuses that permit clients to spot inclines, or establish that an edge has been surpassed. Insight can be made by exploiting all the information accessible, for example, perceiving that a late disintegration of administration execution corresponded with the reception of another strategy. The obligation of information administration as for astuteness is to make accessible the apparatuses expected to recognize these affiliations Administration resource and arrangement administration (SACM) is a theme which can't be left unexplained. The motivation behind the SACM procedure is to ensure that the benefits required to convey administrations are appropriately controlled, and ensure that solid and precise data about these advantages is accessible wherever and at whatever point it is required. This data likewise constitutes of subtle elements like the connections amongst resources and how the advantages have been designed. Service Operation The present difficulties that HBZS appearances is that the organization will thoroughly outsource their IT offices. In the given contextual analysis, a portion of the ITIL administration operational procedures and additionally benefit work area capacities are talked about. HBZS outsources their administration work area by contracting with the outside merchants to do some IT capacities, for example, operations of the server farm, debacle recuperation, system administration and additionally information section (Rivard and Aubert 2015). Administration work area outsourcing for the client administration is the best choice for HBZS as they have constrained staffs to give the administration and in addition bolster 24 hours a day. Because of set number of representatives, it is troublesome for the association to address with issues and in addition desires of clients (Ikediashi et al. 2012). For the mining salvage administration, administration work area outsourcing ought to be a lifeline. T he ITIL administration operation guarantees that the IT administrations for HBZS ought to be conveyed viably. It comprises of satisfying the solicitations of the clients, resolve the administration disappointment issues, conveying operational errands and in addition altering the issues (Alidoosti et al. 2016). The accompanying are the procedures of the administration operations: Event Management To ensure CIs and administrations are always observed, and to channel and arrange Events keeping in mind the end goal to settle on fitting activities. Occasions are created by working frameworks, database administration frameworks, middleware, applications, and checking apparatuses. Most occasions create amid typical operations and need no reaction other than logging. However a little rate of occasions express a genuine or potential disappointment of a CI. This will require the opening of an occurrence. This administration operation process identifies the occasion and gives a passage point to execute the administration operations forms and also exercises. It is the part of the administration requires controlling and computerizing (Baphna, Kothari and Kakarlapudi 2016). The goal of the occasion administration is to screen and in addition arrange the occasions to take conceivable activities. Incorporated administration programming suites can give worked in abilities to imparting occasions to the occasion administration device. Most occasion creating programming can convey occasions through "traps". These are characterized in the straightforward system administration convention (SNMP). The occasion administration instrument can be arranged to parse the data in the traps. Episode Management To deal with the lifecycle of all Incidents. The essential target of Incident Management is to give back the IT administration to clients as fast as could be expected under the circumstances. Occurrence Management as per ITIL V3 recognizes Incidents (Service Interruptions) and Service Requests (standard solicitations from clients, e.g. secret word resets). Administration Requests are no more satisfied by Incident Management; rather there is another procedure called Request Fulfillment. There is a devoted procedure in ITIL V3 for managing crises ("Handling of Major Incidents"). Moreover a procedure interface was included between Event Management and Incident Management. Huge Events are setting off the production of an Incident. Demand Fulfillment To satisfy Service Requests, which as a rule are minor (standard) Changes (e.g. solicitations to change a secret word) or demands for data. The administration work area's point is to be the single purpose of contact for all correspondences amongst clients and IT administration (Herrera 2015). As noted over, this incorporates the reporting of occurrences by clients. However, there are different explanations behind clients to get in touch with IT administration. These include: Password resets Requests for data or use help Standard changes as portrayed under change administration We know these sorts of solicitations as administration solicitations. The solicitation satisfaction process handles logging, sorting, organizing, planning, and fulfilling administration demands. Demand satisfaction is not required to fulfill demands that are infeasible or lacking appropriate support. Regularly, benefit demands don't influence arrangement things (CIs). An exemption is a standard change. This is an okay, routine change that is pre-endorsed by change administration. Some other solicitation that influences one or more CIs we allude to change administration. It is fitting to archive continuous happening demands in a solicitation model. This will guarantee steady taking care of and documentation. We ought to record standard administrations, especially those for which there is a charge, in the administration inventory. A developing pattern in solicitation satisfaction is the expanding utilization of self improvement instruments. These permit clients to make demands, for example, secret word resets or downloads of affirmed programming. Access Management It gives the approved clients to utilize the administration and keeps the unapproved access of the information. It executes the arrangements of the data security administration (Waple et al. 2016). Client access solicitations is utilized to include, repudiate and additionally change the entrance rights and guarantee that lone the approved individual can just concede the privilege to utilize the administration of the association. Access administration works intimately with data security administration to guarantee that the entrance procurements of the data security arrangement are upheld. Demands for access might be started as administration demands and be taken care of by the administration work area, or might be directed to a security bunch for satisfaction. A noteworthy piece of data security administration is controlling access to applications or information. Access administration is in charge of managing solicitations from clients for access. This procedure includes username and secret key control, additionally incorporates the formation of gatherings or parts with characterized access benefits, and after that controlling access by characterizing bunch participation. Notwithstanding allowing rights, access administration denies rights when a client's status changes through exchange, acquiescence, or end. Likewise, get to administration ought to occasionally survey the parts or gatherings used to control access to guarantee that lone vital rights are being allowed and that there are no rights clashes among the parts or gatherings. Access administration is otherwise called personality administration or rights administration. Its part is to ensure that the people in an association can utilize the frameworks that help them carry out their employment, however just has as much access to them as they truly require. This procedure keeps running on the data security standard of "minimum benefit" (or "slightest power"), which expresses that every client should just have the capacity to get to the data or assets important to their employment. While it might appear like a weight to need to deny access to those clients who need it, it's essential for everybody to take after the procedure. Access administration empowers the association to keep up a safe domain that counteracts unapproved use, as well as turns away information ruptures that can disintegrate client trust and acquire monetary punishments. Issue Management This ITIL administration operation process keeps the episodes from happening, minimizing the effect of the occurrences that are not averted (Perera 2016). Keeping in mind the end goal to recognize the huge issues, the issue administration group dissects the records of occurrence and utilizations information gathered by the IT staffs. Issue administration is one part of ITIL execution that gives numerous associations migraines. The trouble lies in the closeness between occurrence administration and issue administration (Sousa and Oz 2014). The two procedures are so firmly adjusted that separating the exercises can get to be troublesome for ITIL tenderfoots. When does one transform into the other? In a few associations, the two procedures aret so firmly related they are consolidated inside and out. The distinctions are critical, be that as it may, since they are not the same and have diverse targets. The expression "issue" alludes to the obscure reason for one or more episodes. A valuable representation for comprehension the relationship amongst issues and occurrences is to think about the relationship between an infection and its indications. In this representation, the illness is the issue and the side effects are the episodes. Pretty much as a specialist uses the side effects to analyze the sickness, so issue administration utilizes the occurrences to analyze the issue. After the known blunder has been distinguished, the following stride is to decide how to settle it. This will normally include a change to one or more CIs, so the yield of the issue administration procedure would be a solicitation for change, which would then be assessed by the change administration handle, or incorporated into the CSI register. Issue administration is considered as a receptive procedure in that it is summoned after episodes have happened, yet it is really proactive, since its will probably guarantee that occurrences don't repeat later on, or on the off chance that they do, to minimize their effect. IT Operations Control To screen and control the IT administrations and their basic foundation. The procedure IT Operations Control executes everyday schedule assignments identified with the operation of framework parts and applications. This incorporates work booking, reinforcement and reestablishes exercises, print and yield administration, and routine support. IT Operations Manager - Process Owner An IT Operations Manager will be expected to assume general liability for various Service Operation exercises. Case in point, this part will guarantee that throughout the everyday operational exercises are completed in an auspicious and solid way. IT Operator IT Operators are the staffs who play out the everyday operational exercises. Ordinary obligations include: Performing reinforcements, guaranteeing that planned employments are performed, introducing standard hardware in the server farm. Offices Management To deal with the physical environment where the IT base is found. Offices Management incorporates all parts of dealing with the physical environment, for instance power and cooling, building access administration, and ecological checking. Offices Manager - Process Owner The Facilities Manager is in charge of dealing with the physical environment where the IT base is found. This incorporates all parts of dealing with the physical environment, for instance power and cooling, building access administration, and ecological observing. Application Management Application Management is in charge of overseeing applications all through their lifecycle. Application Management is dealt with in ITIL as a "capacity". It assumes a vital part in the administration of uses and frameworks. Numerous Application Management exercises are installed in different ITIL forms - yet not all Application Management exercises. Hence, at IT Process Maps we chose to present an Application Management process as a major aspect of the ITIL Process Map which contains the Application Management exercises not secured in some other ITIL process (De Klerk et al. 2013). Application Management exercises inserted in different procedures are appeared there, with obligation appointed to the Applications Analyst part. Specialized Management Specialized Management gives specialized ability and backing to the administration of the IT base. Numerous Technical Management exercises are inserted in different ITIL forms - yet not all technical management exercises. Consequently, at IT Process Maps we chose to present a technical management process as a feature of the ITIL Process Map which contains the technical management exercises not secured in some other ITIL process. Specialized Management exercises implanted in different procedures are appeared there, with obligation appointed to the Technical Analyst part. The Technical Analyst is a Technical Management part which gives specialized aptitude and backing to the administration of the IT base. There is normally one Technical Analyst or group of investigators for each key innovation territory (Crasso et al. 2014). This pretends a critical part in the specialized parts of outlining, testing, working and enhancing IT administrations. It is likewise in charge of building up the aptitudes required to work the IT base. CSI and Business IT alignment The manager of HBZS continually improves the effectiveness and efficiency of services and processes. In this manner, the IT Manager cravings to build up a Continual Service Improvement (CSI) process (Action 2013). HBZS utilizes the IT business arrangement as a part of request to accomplish the whole business targets (Chakraborty and Chaki 2016). It has the capacity to show a positive relationship between the IT and additionally the clients of IT in the business bunches. With the expanding dependence on the IT and in addition need of the IT benefits, the IT business arrangement is required for effectively actualize for the mining salvage administrations (Brehm and Schmidt 2016). In any case, the business IT arrangement is a fundamental test for the associations. It is being used by HBZS keeping in mind the end goal to make and additionally enhance the efficiencies, decreases the expenses and also makes a creative worth to the business (Long 2012). For the arrangement of the work, the way of life of the association holds onto the IT and it is a fundamental part of the long haul accomplishment inside the association (Sarkar, Chaudhuri, and Moon 2015). CSI inside the ITIL means to adjust and realign the administrations of the IT with a specific end goal to change the business needs by executing the upgrades to the IT administrations so as to backing the salvage administrations of the business (Song, Baker and Davis 2015). It additionally enhances the adequacy of the procedure, its proficiency and also cost viability of the procedures of IT through the whole lifecycle. Because of the business IT association, the association can ready to develop their business and raise their salvage administrations among the clients (Gercek, Saleem and Steel 2016). Because of the organization, HBZS can ready to handle their IT business all the more proficiently and successfully. Service report of HBZS The present administration reporting of HBZS gives data to the IT and also business to decide (Vetrakova, Potkany and Hitka 2013). The administration reporting comprises of data assembled from different sources, distributed data utilizing devices, for example, email, web. The administration of the association is glad that standard report is sent to the upper level administration and CEO of the association. In any case, the main issue is that the procedure of administration reporting takes more opportunity to redesign the data (Borghoff and Pareschi 2013). The IT Manager suggests executing another administration reporting process in their business such that the administration reporting process reports result into accomplishing operationally and also deliberately. Inside the ITIL, administration reporting is recognized as a standout amongst the most critical interfaces for both IT and additionally HBZS (Rivard and Aubert 2015). Amid the administration reporting, IT gets a chance to sho w the parts of the administration to the clients. The reporting exercises empowers the IT and also business to convey the correspondence to another level with a specific end goal to address the issues. A reporting structure strategy is required to be recorded such that each diverse office requires seeing the arrangement of reports from different offices. It is required to audit the administration reporting process on customary premise as reports may change as far as information and in addition timings (Picard, Renault and Barafort 2015). HBZS distinguishes that its reporting procedure takes additional time, consequently the IT Manager explain this issue before it influences the business operations of the organization. The administration reporting is to be kept up by the administration work area director. Subsequently, the IT Manager takes the choice to outsource their administration work area (Melendez, Davila and Pessoa 2015). It helps them t control and additionally deal with the administration reports to manage the business (Reijers, Vanderfeesten and van der Aalst 2016). It decreases the time and in addition exertion of the people to deal with the reports. Business IT partnership HBZS requires business mastery and specialized learning to do the IT business operations, however it is troublesome for them to fabricate an IT business organizations (Nomani, and Cater-Steel 2014). Because of progress in the innovation and additionally appropriation of new ITIL forms put weight on the IT Manager to construct a relationship between IT and in addition different business accomplices (Meyr, Wagner and Rohde 2015). They can make to enhance the execution of the business at the interface of innovation and business. The IT Manager understands that the association needs business accomplices to express their business procedure and in addition join them with the interest of IT (Qin and Chen 2016). Along these lines, the director can empower both ability and additionally responsibility among the business accomplices. A genuine IT-business association for all levels of HBZS is required to construct an elite association by giving the best mining salvage administrations to the cli ents. It changes the many-sided quality nature of the IT as it prompts enhance the business IT relations by concentrating on necessities of the clients (Goetsch and Davis 2014). In this manner, HBZS makes a business IT organization with OKD. From the arrangement, the IT and in addition business are coordinated and also conveyed the ideal arrangement towards the execution of the business. Indeed, even straightforwardness is required to build up a trusting relationship between IT and also business (Vetrakova, Potkany and Hitka 2013). The IT Manager ought to build the level of comprehension of the hierarchical business methodology. Subsequently, legitimate correspondence is required to overcome with the issues raised between the IT and additionally business. HBZS ought to enhance their correspondence mode to make an organization with OKD. This association will help the association to build their salvage administrations they gave. HBZS ought to take after the ideas of ITIL with the goal that they can keep up a decent execution (Ikediashi et al. 2012). Aside from this, this organization helps them to build up a preparation framework where the staffs are inspiring preparing to handle the IT assets. It likewise helps them to ra ise their abilities and in addition information in the field of IT. Indeed, even with a specific end goal to accomplish an effective business accomplice, trust is most vital from both the sides. HBZS requires an everyday business and IT association that can reflect by the nimble strategies. This technique is helpful as it plans the instruments, breaks down and afterward client acknowledgment testing is done to show signs of improvement IT particulars (Roztocki and Weistroffer 2015). The business accomplices verbalize the requests of IT with the abilities of business design. Recommendations to Mr. Gurny IT manager There are some recommendations that needs has been made by the IT consultant for the HBZS Company for providing and improving their service quality. The following recommendations or suggestions are listed below. The processes that have been suggested in the earlier phase needs to be strictly implemented in the HBZS Company for the betterment of the future. The recommended processes will help the company to increase the efficiency of their service quality. The CSI (Continual Service Improvement) process is critical and it needs to be implemented correctly to ensure future ITIL enhancements. The best practices of ITSM and ITIL needs to be developed in the HBZS Company by providing some training related ITIL and ITSM. The Service Desk needs to be outsourced to enhance the in-house performance of the IT staff so that they can help company with other IT strategies. Hiring professional to the company so that they can add value to processes. The company needs to adopt the ISO 20000 certification so that their company can be trust with the services and products and it will be easy to gain customer satisfaction. The Service improvement plan needs to be adopted to ensure that the sub-processes of ITIL are working nicely. The upper management of HBZS needs frequently endorsed the ITIL initiative to achieve the success. The recommendations above are critical and need to be addressed by the company IT manager Mr. Gurny to meet the customer satisfaction level. The company has to be careful while implementing the new ITIL processes. The recommendations mentioned are suggested by reviewing the provided case study of HBZS Company. We have to make appropriate changes in the recommendation if required based on other ITIL future requirements of the company. Conclusion The report presented here explains about the HBZS and OKD business alignment. The report describes how the company is been doing performance wise after the implementation of six selective process of ITIL. The future suggestions have been explained in this report while considering the ITIL processes. A detailed analysis report is been provide by the IT consultant (author) who has been selected for preparing this report. The IT consultant has reviewed the case study in detail and provide a depth research analysis report which includes the what new processes needs to be adopted by the company and what are their working principles or their roles in any organization and how are they helpful to the present HBZS Company. Future steps of IT service management system is been suggested to the company. The report includes the explanation of the new process and why it is been required to be implemented in the HBZS organization. The overview of Service Transition is been explained in this report and the respective processes that were adopted by the company is also been explained. The advice has been given to the IT manager Mr. Gurny regarding the critical processes which are interrelated with other HBZS and ITIL processes. The Service Operation process reviews have been made in the report and its impact on the present company has been discussed in detail. The overview of Service Desk and its outsourcing option has been critically reviewed and a detailed explanation has been provided in this document. Different benefits due to Outsourcing the Service Desk to the company performance is been mentioned in this report and the disadvantages has been mentioned as well. The major benefits of ITIL with service operation is been explained in this report and the role of service desk operation i s been described as well. The Continual service improvement process has been analyzed and been explained in the report along with the service reporting and its importance in the HBZS company. A detailed analysis has been made as far as service reporting is concern. The extension of Service reporting is been explained in this report and how it can be a future asset for HBZS company is been described. The Business IT alignment overview has been given for both the company OKD and HBZS. Finally some recommendations have been given to the IT manager Mr. Gurny so as to implement those recommendations in the company to increase the company efficiency and effectiveness. References Action C S I, 2013. Promoting Effective Dialogue Between Business and Education Around the Need for Deeper Learning. 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